I thought this was a neat way to get involved in some real estate projects… This "artist" realized his art could be much more than just admired from afar, but could actually directly benefit people's lives. This would be kind of a fun thing to do on community service day… We have the expertise… Taken […]
I was reading an article today (which was really an advertisement in disguise), and it got me to thinking about social media in the business world. The article is entitled Social Business is the Only Business (http://gizmodo.com/social-business-is-the-only-business-473452408). It points out that “…we spend 110 billion minutes using social media every month. That’s 22 percent of […]
Excitement! Intrigue! Real Estate! This will be my blog where I periodically write about what is happening in the technology world, specifically as it pertains to real estate and Windermere, and what my opinion about it is. Currently, the most exciting thing on the horizon for Windermere agents is the migration to Office 365 Exchange […]