IT Admin

Just in case you forget... I can reset your password.

If you need help getting that transaction paperwork to your client, I'm your guy.

I'm here to make sure you do the most amount of work, with the least amount of effort.


If it ain't broke, take it apart and make it better!

Simply put, I love fixing computers and gadgets. I love the challenge of taking someones "sick" device and making it better, and that smile that spreads across their face when I give it back good as new. This isn't just what I do as a career, each day after work, I go home to tech help requests from my family and friends in addition to my own tinkering. I learned how to fix everything because I broke everything. There is just something exciting about sitting in a room with parts strewn everywhere, knowing you are in the process of making something better.

Of course everything is your fault! -Your computer

Through my patented process of, "Oops! That was not what was supposed to happen... Maybe I'll try this." I have developed a pretty keen intuition of both how software/hardware works and how users typically use their devices. When your computer isn't working and it is your fault, 99% of the time it is "user error" not because you made an obvious mistake, but because logic to a computer is often much different than logic to a human. If you ask me how to do something or are frustrated by something and I give you an immediate answer or seem to immediately know what you are doing incorrectly, it's almost always because I've had that exact same problem before and tried the same things you are trying. Let my hours of frustrated troubleshooting work for you!

Take a hobby and make something out of it

I thought this was a neat way to get involved in some real estate projects… This "artist" realized his art could be much more than just admired from afar, but could actually directly benefit people's lives. This would be kind of a fun thing to do on community service day… We have the expertise… Taken […]
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One is the loneliest number… so get social!

I was reading an article today (which was really an advertisement in disguise), and it got me to thinking about social media in the business world. The article is entitled Social Business is the Only Business ( It points out that “…we spend 110 billion minutes using social media every month. That’s 22 percent of […]
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Excitement! Intrigue! Real Estate! This will be my blog where I periodically write about what is happening in the technology world, specifically as it pertains to real estate and Windermere, and what my opinion about it is.  Currently, the most exciting thing on the horizon for Windermere agents is the migration to Office 365 Exchange […]
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